29 Mar

Comoros Island is a small African nation located in the Indian Ocean, between Madagascar and Mozambique. It consists of four main islands: Grande Comore, Anjouan, Moheli and Mayotte. The latter, however, remains under French administration and is not part of the Comorian Union. Comoros Island has a rich and diverse history, culture and natural beauty, but also faces many challenges such as political instability, poverty and environmental degradation.
## Landscape
Comoros Island has a volcanic origin and a rugged terrain, with mountains, plateaus and valleys. The highest peak is Mount Karthala on Grande Comore, which is an active volcano that last erupted in 2007. The islands are surrounded by coral reefs and lagoons, which provide habitats for marine life and opportunities for tourism. The climate is tropical maritime, with warm and humid weather throughout the year. The islands receive abundant rainfall, especially during the wet season from November to April.
## Demographics
Comoros Island has a population of about 876,000 people (2022 estimate), making it one of the most densely populated countries in Africa. The majority of the population lives on Grande Comore and Anjouan, while Moheli is the least populated island. The population is composed of various ethnic groups, mainly of African-Arab origins, influenced by centuries of trade and migration from the Arabian Peninsula, Southeast Asia and mainland Africa. The official languages are Arabic, French and Comorian, which is a Swahili-based language with Arabic and Malagasy influences. The dominant religion is Islam, practiced by more than 98% of the population. Most Comorians follow Sunni Islam of the Shafi'i school, but there are also some Shia and Sufi minorities. The literacy rate is about 89%, but there are significant disparities between urban and rural areas, and between men and women.
## Life Level
Comoros Island is one of the poorest countries in the world, with a GDP per capita of about $1,500 (2020 estimate). The economy is largely based on agriculture, fishing and tourism, but suffers from low productivity, lack of infrastructure, dependence on imports and external aid, and vulnerability to natural disasters and climate change. The main crops are vanilla, cloves, ylang-ylang, coconut, banana and cassava. The main exports are vanilla, cloves, ylang-ylang oil and fish. The main trading partners are France, India, China and South Africa. The unemployment rate is estimated at 20%, but informal sector activities are widespread. About 42% of the population lives below the poverty line (2014 estimate), and many people lack access to basic services such as health care, education, water and sanitation. The life expectancy at birth is about 67 years (2022 estimate), which is below the regional average. The main health problems are malaria, tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS and malnutrition. The fertility rate is about 2.8 children per woman (2022 estimate), which is above the replacement level but has declined significantly in recent decades due to family planning programs.
## Conclusion
Comoros Island is a fascinating country with a unique culture and natural beauty, but also faces many challenges such as political instability, poverty and environmental degradation. The country needs more investment in human development, infrastructure, governance and environmental protection to achieve sustainable development and improve the living conditions of its people.

My comments.

In 1987 during or assignment with warship Tianee , we arrive in comoros islands, in Mamoudou. During some weeks we was there to repair and make maintenance of b<Mooring <BOX.

We meet a bunch of guy from south Africans who like to come in this area to make party  with sailing ship. I remember particularly was Shumbo, with one guy (Moses) who in fact when they start from Durban was sleeping after a big party and when he wake up they where already one day out on open sea and he decide to stay with they friend. When they arrived in Mamoudzou with 160 pack of beer, 5 magnum of Johnny walker + Rhum from captain Morgan . As they do not have frige in there sailing boat . The deal was between them and us , we give coca and ice and we make party with them. During one week it was awesome party with the guyr and female that they was on it. 

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